Tuesday, November 19, 2013

What is a good code snippet, knowledge base note taking tool?

I have been storing my programming notes for years in folders with individual txt, pdf, zip files.
For years I have been looking for a great tool to organize my notes.

I develop in both OSX and Windows so looking for tools in both environments.

For non programming I used to use MyInfo from Milenix but there is no code highlightning

There is a thread here on How do you manage your knowledge base but I didn't get much wiser after reading that, but there is a lot of suggestions.

I recently came across Snippetmanager that has code highlighting. If I could combine this with MyInfo and sync with a Mac version it could be perfect. I might give it a try. UPDATE: This app haven't been updated for 1-2 years.

For Mac I found Snippetsapp but it doesn't support C# and haven't been updated for one year.

Snippets  (Mac+Windows)
CodeBox (Mac) but I'm missing a trial here before I pay 10USD

So far I'm still hunting for the perfect tool.

Friday, January 13, 2012

How to assign unique id to WCF with NLog

I want to add a unique id for each session request in WCF using NLog so I can identify to what session
I have not found a clear way to do this but here is a few pointers:

  • How to do this using log4net: http://www.catchblock.com/blog/post/2011/12/02/WCF-Web-API-and-logging-unique-request-id-with-log4net.aspx
  • Further discussion about log4net: http://wcf.codeplex.com/discussions/281421
  • NLog's way of adding context: http://nlog-project.org/wiki/Event-context_layout_renderer

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Unrecognized Tag Prefix or Device Filter ‘asp’

Have problems with the above error when using nested MasterPages?

I found out the problem in my case was that I had the tag in a nested masterPage. I solved it by simply moving the tag to the first MasterPage.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Entity Framework (CTP4) links

I thought I wanted to share some of my EF CTP4 links

LINQ samples
ADO.NET Entity Framework Overview)


Problem with STA and WCF when using COM-objects

Scott Seely have a good post about how to solve calling STA COM Object from a WCF operation. In my case I had an old COM object that required STA.

Look here for Scott Seely's post

Friday, August 6, 2010

Entity Framework (CTP4)

Playing with the new Entity Framework I had a need to store files.

Simply add Byte[] to your CLR

public class Product
public int ProductId { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
public Byte[] ProductImage { get; set; } //Maps to VARBINARY(MAX)
public string CategoryId { get; set; }

public virtual Category Category { get; set; }